“Christmas is not only a time of rejoicing but also one of reflection.”
- Winston Churchill
As “the most wonderful time of the year” is fast approaching, we would like to step back from our busy lives to count our blessings and show appreciation for family and loved ones.
Nothing is more important to us than family. But a family can be defined as more than blood relatives. A family is any group of related things or beings. At Right Way Auto Repair, we consider ourselves one big family. And like all families, we have our struggles and our triumphs, our cries and our laughs, our sadness and our joy.
As we reflect on 2021, we want to acknowledge how amazingly each and every one of our employees has performed in the face of adversity this past year. We express our most heartfelt thanks to every one of them. They are all setting an extraordinary example of commitment, professionalism, and solidarity.
We also take pride in knowing that our family consists not only of our employees but our customers too. One of our blessings is having you as part of the family. We deeply appreciate your continued trust and support. As we move forward into 2022, know that we will continue to do our absolute best to be there for you.
The holidays have always represented happiness and joy in our hearts. The magic of the season makes everything seem a little brighter, and this has proven especially true when life’s hardships are presented. Let’s continue to be there for each other, just as we have been in 2021.
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas! We hope that you and your family will be able to embrace peace, love, and happiness this holiday season and carry those feelings into the New Year. And, may you be happy, healthy, and hopeful.
With warmest wishes,
Kopelev’s family